Somethings in life go unspoken even among the best of friends. Some say leave the past and move ahead. I think as one goes up the hill, he should learn lessons while observing things around this climb in the life to reach the pinnacle of success. I like to pen these instances down so that tomorrow someday I can take a walk down the memory lane. Sounds cliched na? But thats me. A weird crazy fellow trying to set myself up in life. Welcome to my Memory Lane.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Podar Clickers

Well the next academic year we start with a new forum in R. A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics. The Permissions taken, the plans have started being penned down but the name still hasnt been decided...

So its a plea to all those reading this blog to suggest an orginal, dhasu and an uptown name so that I and Priyanka Kanani can zero down on one.!

The Draft Rules are as follows:

1. The Club will be called ___________ (herein referred to as The Club).

2. The Object of The Club is to promote and foster the study, practice and appreciation of Photography by means of meetings, lectures, demonstrations, competitions, exhibitions, on-field practice and such other means as are deemed appropriate.

3. Ordinary membership of the Club shall be open to all those who are interested in photography from R. A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics. Membership is open to present as well as ex-Podarites.

4. Membership of the club implies the undertaking to comply and abide with the rules laid down from time to time.

5. The Committee shall be empowered to confer Honorary Membership on those considered deserving of such recognition.

6. The Officer Bearers of the Club shall consist of a Core-Committee consisting of Chairperson, Secretary, Joint-Secretary, Treasurer and Data Manager(s). At the discretion of the Committee, members to the post of Coordinators will be appointed. No member shall hold any office, other than the office of the Chairperson for a period longer than one academic year.

7. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Office Bearers selected under Rule 6, together with a maximum of four Coordinators from the other ordinary members of the Club.

8. The selection of images to represent the Club in external events and any selection that may be required in connection with domestic competitions shall be conducted by a Selection committee, consisting of up to five members appointed by the Chairperson and he shall have the sole authority to consult any person or expert of the field of photography as he may deem to be fit. The Members of the Selection Committee may or may not have the Membership of The Club.

9. The Chairperson will be the principal of The Club and will overlook the working of The Club. The Chairman will be the Teacher-in-Charge of The Club as appointed by the Principal of R.A.Podar College of Commerce & Economics.

10. The Secretary and the Joint Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all Committee Meetings, Documentation, Reports of all visits and shall be responsible for the general correspondence of The Club. Photography, being completely dependent on the subject matter that is chosen, it is the responsibility of the Secretary and the Joint-Secretary that the group will be guided by a firm set of strict rules and regulations which shall be formed keeping in mind the Ethics and Values of our society. The Secretary and the Joint Secretary will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Club.

11. The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies as authorized by the Committee from time to time. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of all financial transactions and shall            prepare a income statement in the prescribed Excel Format for audit and inspection by any member of the club who has reservations regarding the application of money and transparency of the transactions. The Treasurer shall also have authority to make payments on behalf of the Club, and to determine, in consultation with the Chairperson or/and the Secretary which payments are, or are not, to be made. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Secretary and the Joint-Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson.

12. The Data Manager(s) will be responsible for collecting all the photos and images immediately after the field visit. The Data manager(s) will save all these images and organize the database in a systematic manner. They will be keep a Back-up of this Database with the Secretary. The responsibilities also include maintaining the contact details of the Members in the prescribed Excel format. The Data-Manager shall be appointed by the Secretary and the Joint-Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson.

13. The Coordinators as appointed by the Committee will act as a link between the Committee and the Members. There shall be not more than 4 Coordinators appointed in the first meeting of The Club after a justifiable selection process conducted by the Committee. One from the Junior College, Two from the Senior College and One as required for the smooth functioning depending on the requirements for the Club.

14. The Entrance Fees shall be payable at the earliest opportunity. Any student whose subscription is more than two weeks in arrears shall be struck off the Register of Members by the Committee. New members joining at any time during the year will have to bear the full amount of the Entrance Fees.

15. A Member may be expelled or asked to resign from the Club at the decision of the Committee. The Committee may request a member to appear before it, provided that where any accusation or charge is made, the Member shall be given full and reasonable opportunity to put forward a defense and bring witnesses at a later Committee Meeting. All Committee proceedings called under this rule shall be treated as privileged and confidential.

16. No alterations of, or additions to, these Rules shall be made hereafter. The wording of any such alterations or additions shall be included in the meetings and conveyed to the members.\

17.  Any contingency not covered by these Rules shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Committee.

Quite a task to frame them.. Please comment here and give us suggestions for the name of our club.!!




  1. my god!!! wat language...hats off for making rules like this!!! obviously i didnt read d entire thing! no other forum will be having such draft rules...:) but ya nice effort!!!
    no names striking as such..will let u knw..

  2. hey thanks ..
    finally you read it..
    good good.
    all the best for your exams..
    catch up with you later..!


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