Somethings in life go unspoken even among the best of friends. Some say leave the past and move ahead. I think as one goes up the hill, he should learn lessons while observing things around this climb in the life to reach the pinnacle of success. I like to pen these instances down so that tomorrow someday I can take a walk down the memory lane. Sounds cliched na? But thats me. A weird crazy fellow trying to set myself up in life. Welcome to my Memory Lane.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Give it Back to the Country I say!

A Color of Patriotism...

To Mother India,
Where I took birth
Where I cherish every moment I spent
Where the foundation of my life(education) was constructed
To Mother India
Who provided me the Best of Friends
Who gave me People which are hard to Forget
Who has done whatever possible for me to blossom
To Mother India
to whom I shall always be indebted to.

Points to be noted your Highness:

1.Every time twice in a year we have the best Financial Analysts passing out. I m referring to
CAs. 7500 per attmept. These people can do wonders in the Public Finanace Field.

2.Every year once we have a Batch of Doctors who can do wonders in Public Helath, Engineers who
can do wonders in Public Technology and Infrastructure and Lawyers who can do wonders in the
Public Law & Order. No. of people passing out each year are "unaccountable"

These, my dear literate readers, are examples of honored professions of our country. All these educated literate ones mint lakhs of rupees each year. Not just one year but year on year. After debiting their incomes for provisions for the future if their children, their own future in old age, there are some filthy rich who also reserve some for the next generation. Funny isnt it. Ironically funny. When there are guys in the country who is not sure about tomorrow or even the evening dinner, there is this guy in the same country who has reserved money for his grand children's MBA education abroad some 75 years thence. Sounds weird, but I think this should be the definition of Income Divide in our Books.

Well my point is how often have you come across a CA taking care of 'Public' Finance.
or a Doctor looking after 'Public' Health and not 'Private' Health out of choice.
Or a Lawyer looking after a 'goons' bail appeal when he knows that his client is guilt. public law and Order did anyone say?

This list can go on and on.

But why is it that the word 'Public' just goes 'bhoosh'. Infact 'Not-Applicable' in some cases.
OK. From the other side. I know you doctors, lawyers, engineers, CAs, and MBAs have invested a lot in your education and are just gaining returns. But then dont become a havrat, sorry, puppet whose only aim of living is earning lakhs, expending lakhs and then provionsing lakhs. Make proviosions for your family and your immediate family. Infact with the Life Expectancy about to fall in the coming years, you wont need much.! (next post, I say why)

Might be a nice hard work of 15-20 years can be enough for you and your old age and even your immediate family needs till the next generation starts earning and looks after itself.

I think when you are experienced and cash-rich India needs you that time. Experience cause Probs are galore here. and Cash-rich because I dont want the new administrators to indulge in corruption. Here is a deal. Think about this blog again. Infact go through it again. The very fact that you need India now, India needs you later. And even if it doesnt come calling to you, its your moral duty to look after ageing 'parents'.

PS: then you ll be a literate in the sense of the term
then you ll be a honored professional
then you ll be an example of a perfect son to your 'parents'
then you ll be an Indian.

Disclaimer: the author does not believe in any kind of service = service to the country. nor does he believe to post a lawyer on the LOC in the army. the author believes in people doing something for the country in what they are best at. these are the opinion of the author. any relation to your lifestyle and profession is purely co-incidental. the author's opinion has been drafted here on general observations of the 'indian' society. and grievances caused is regretted. this post is spontaneous and a personal favorite. :D



  1. I din't know you blog!!... and nice post... well- expressed... adding you to my blogroll :)

  2. hey thanks..
    keep reading..
    btw.. wassup with you..?


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