Somethings in life go unspoken even among the best of friends. Some say leave the past and move ahead. I think as one goes up the hill, he should learn lessons while observing things around this climb in the life to reach the pinnacle of success. I like to pen these instances down so that tomorrow someday I can take a walk down the memory lane. Sounds cliched na? But thats me. A weird crazy fellow trying to set myself up in life. Welcome to my Memory Lane.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The blogspot gyys have come up with this cool idea. You actually come to know how many people over the world have read your blog atleast once and where exactly my readers are located.

A big THUMBS UP to the guys!

A very big thank you to my readers. J *a warm bear hug @ all*

*shades in green show the location of readers of this blog* 
*the darker the shade more the density of readers*

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